"The Gospel" means "The Good News".

So often I see people claim to be "preaching" the gospel.
Yet they seem to be attempting to convict someone of sin, or their need for God.

We need to preach the good news, to lift up Christ to them, and to share with them what He has done.
When we share the good news with people they will see Christ, the solution.
Preaching about "sin" can merely add to their consciousness of their own failure.
We can convince them of their unworthiness instead of the fact that Jesus made us all worthy.
They already know in their hearts that they are sinners,
and if they are unaware that something they do is wrong, then according to their own conscience they are not condemned.

Their sin is not relevant, what is relevant is the good news that all sin has been paid for.
If they become conscious of Christ, of what He accomplished for them and indeed for us all
they will embrace the good news, they will accept the grace gift of salvation and be made new.
Their sin, past, present, and future, will not matter. By their very new nature they will naturally outgrow it.
The more conscious we all are of the good news of what Christ Jesus has achieved for us all, the less likely we will be to sin.

It is true that we are born again. And once being born we still have to grow.

To expect or require that anyone newly born behave in any way consistant with maturity
is to place stumbling blocks between them and that very maturity we would wish for them.

The gospel should be one of encouragement.
We all must grow in our consciousness of God, and of His provision for us.

Lets look at everyday life for a moment.
Which children are more apt to grow up whole?
Those who are encouraged and nurtured or those who are put down and discouraged?

We should speak words of grace to all children, spiritual and physical.
Not bind them up with laws or rules. We should let them naturally be and discover who they are.

This Site Is Copyright (C) 2006 by Dan Sharpe. Unless otherwise marked, all scriptures are taken from the HOLY BIBLE,
NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.